Saturday, August 24, 2013

Love Potion #9

I would consider pie a love potion of sorts, wouldn't you? So after a brief hiatis (it IS back to school season), here is #9! 

Peaches & Cream Pie, made with fresh farmer's market peaches!

Freshly skinned peaches


Just ridiculously juicy from the freshness of the peaches!

There's much else to catch up on, but all in good time! Happy first weekend of the school year!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

C25K Graduate Supreme!

I did it!

The first day that I ran an actual 5K straight was July 31, when we were on vacation in Boston. Thus, I ran my first 5K in the Boston Public Gardens!


Could not ask for a more beautiful location.

Then, after completing a 9th week of 5Ks, today I ran in my first race!

I feel comfortable now referring to myself as a C25K BEAST! 

Now I've just gotta keep it up during the start of the school year : ))).