Thursday, March 7, 2013

Thoughtful : )

This happened over a week ago, but the thought still makes me really happy so I deemed it worthy to share. I am not a coffee drinker, but since returning to school I have developed a once-a-week Starbucks mocha habit which keeps me alive for my Wednesday night class. Not just alive, it makes me feel AWESOME - which only reinforces my reasoning for never picking up coffee, because I've always feared becoming addicted to a morning fix. The people who sit next to me in class know this story full well, because they are witnesses to what happens when that espresso kicks in for a lightweight like me : ).

A couple of weeks ago one of my seatmates needed to figure out how to connect her iPad to the SMART Board for a presentation; none of us had ever done this before. She and I were able to figure it out after much Googling, YouTubing, and crawling on the floor and into the technology cabinet.

The next week she presented me with a lovely thank you card and a Starbucks gift card!

What a genuinely thoughtful gift, and all-around really nice thing to do! It has continued to make me smile - people like that make life wonderful!

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