Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Currently April

Time to join up with Farley again!

"Oh Canada" - hubby is watching the Blue Jays game downstairs. Don't get me wrong, we are White Sox fans, but all baseball rules this time of year.

Sunshine - finally, the sun is out again! Hopefully the temperature catches up soon - it's so disappointing to look outside at what appears to be a beautiful day, then step out into the cold : (.

Lesson plans - always thinking about what happens next, what needs to be put in place, what the backup plans are, etc.

8 1/2 weeks - now that Spring Break is finished, the kids are too! Ugh! Hopefully the time flies by!

Bedtime - I always want to go to bed early, but always wind up immersed in some school-related project.

"Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good" - this one I stole from Gretchen Rubin, author of "The Happiness Project." This piece of advice really stuck with me, as I tend to get hung up on making everything just so when good enough should be good enough.


  1. I love your advice! I too believe that everything should be perfect. I should know by now when to say....it's fine! Btw, I love the meaning behind the title of your blog!

  2. Denise,
    I'm on Spring Break this week and just yesterday I pulled up the calendar to count down the days until summer - 8 weeks! I agree with you, the kids are done by the time we get back from break and I still have 5 weeks to go until state tests!

    I'm loving your blog name. I definitely agree with your philosophy on God's plans.

    Polka Dot Lesson Plans

  3. You have 8 1/2 weeks left too! I am so jealous of all you ladies, we have 11 more! I love your advice too! I am your newest follower! :)

    Fashion Craze Learning Days
