Friday, January 4, 2013

Books & Boards

So I finally got around to opening all of the packages which contain the textbooks I'll need for my next grad school class, which begins Jan 23 (order early, get the best deals before my classmates!). This many packages cannot be good. Look at the fun they contain!
Did the song "One of these things is not like the other, one of these things just doesn't belong?" pop into your head while looking at these? I couldn't help myself but order "K is for Knifeball" when I saw it. It is HILARIOUS. During my child care unit my students analyze various children's books, and I've been looking for a couple of books to slip in that are definitely not appropriate but look like books for kids (and I'm thinking slipping in "Go the F**k to Sleep" would probably get me fired) - this is perfect! And, an enjoyable read all on its own, of course.

In all honesty opening those packages is probably the only grad school-related task I'll actually complete today - I'm finding "updating my blog" to be a very effective stalling technique. Which makes me wonder how often I'll post once Monday rolls around...

Non-grad school-related is this project: creating a new background for the menu board in the kitchen. I went ahead and churned out the next three as well, so that I can keep them all in the frame and change them with the seasons.

Not only is the menu board cute, but I've found it to be extremely helpful. It's a great reminder for taking ingredients out of the freezer to thaw, a great help for planning lunches to pack for work, and a great way to avoid the eternal "What's for dinner?" question.

1 comment:

  1. YAY!!!! I love that you are blogging--you are fabulous already, and I love seeing what you are doing! Listers unite!
