Monday, January 18, 2016

My One Word Theme for 2016

Inspired by my sister-in-law, I have decided to embark upon a "Happiness Project" in 2016. If you've not read the book (which I highly recommend you do), the very general idea is to focus on one area of your life each month to improve your overall happiness.

One thing the author recommends is choosing a one-word theme to focus on throughout the year - this has become a fairly popular idea, so you've probably seen one version of this or another out there somewhere.

My one-word (technically two-word) theme for 2016 is this: Look Up.

I tend to get so locked into what I need to be doing right now, what I need to do next, what is the quickest and most efficient way to get through my to-do list, etc, etc, that I miss what's happening around me. This year I'm going to work on reminding myself to "Look Up," to appreciate the present, to take in the moment.

Tune in tomorrow for what my focus has been in January!

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